This May, Patagonia Projects will return to Golfo do Penas to continue investigations on the Sei whale mass mortality event. During this expedition, we will install time lapse cameras to monitor the decomposition of the whales, and observe how they are recycled into the Patagonian ecosystem.
Check out our brief Kickstarter Campaign Video, and read more about the project: http://kck.st/1PtP3N1
Direct video link:
UPDATE: April 9, 2016
Wahoo! This Kickstarter was funded in just five days by an incredible flood of support from people all over the globe.
With the extra fundraising, we are now able to make a higher quality short documentary, and are in the midst of developing a small bioacoustics branch! Please continue to share our video, as every dollar is a step forward towards a multi-faceted, interactive, and ongoing project. Thank you for helping to bring awareness to the pristine and abundant life of Golfo de Penas, and highlighting the need for its conservation.