We should have been hundreds of miles from here, somewhere down in the Beagle Channel, sailing east towards Puerto Williams. Our plans had us arriving in Puerto Williams in two days time, re-provisioning, hosting a Music Cafe at Errante Eco Lodge, checking out of Chile on Monday and then sailing out the eastern Beagle Channel, through the Strait of LeMaire and onwards to the Falkland Islands to arrive well before Christmas.
We should have known better. Especially since I am always the one to say “the only plans you can make here in Patagonia is that nothing will go to plan”.
Saoirse is still sitting on dry land. Our futile attempt to re- launch her last week was thwarted by gale force winds. Further thought of launching was completely nixed as hurricane force winds thrashed the harbour and had Saoirse rocking and wobbling disconcertingly in her steel cradle. The anemometer showed the strongest gust at 69 knots though wind speeds held steady between 48 and 50 knots. Fellow sailors, who have sailed around the world, commented they have never seen anything like it in all their years on the ocean. We said, “Welcome to Patagonia”!
Friday, December 1st is now looking like THE day and fingers are crossed that all the stars will align (well at least the winds, waves, tides and boat yard workers) and see Saoirse floating again. It’s been an intense few months of boat maintenance and thanks to Giff, Liz, Sandra, Mark and two Gonzalos, Saoirse is in top form. Greg though, is looking due for some maintenance!